Preparing for Maternity Leave


Since I became pregnant I've been excited at the thought of getting to take off work to spend time and bond with little man. But I'm also a teacher, the kind of teacher who will come to work sick rather than spend time planning for a sub because it's honestly more exhausting to plan for a sub than to just suck it up and go to work.

I was so overwhelmed and didn't know what to leave for a long term sub so they could successfully run my classroom, so I put it off...and continued to put it off until Thanksgiving break. I scoured the internet trying to find resources and tips from other teachers.

Finally I sat down at the computer and just started typing out every single thing I do each day. I tried not to leave out any details. I wanted my sub to completely know our daily routines to make the transition as smooth as possible. And actually, typing all those things out has helped me to feel more organized for myself!

I think that a lot of those substitute resources on TeachersPayTeachers are really great, but I also don't think you need to spend money to have a sub binder that is useful.

Here is what I included in my sub binder:

1. Class lists- we use class numbers so I made sure I had extra copies of this list that my sub could use as a checklist or whatever else she may need it for.

2. How we get home- kind of a given, but I also included what kind of car my students parents drive so she knew what to be on the lookout for at pickup.

3. Drills and emergency procedures- also a given, but I included where to find emergency exit posters and school phone extensions.

4. Routines- the daily routines that NEVER change. Morning meeting, lunch, recess, snack, afternoon clean up, etc.

5. Guided reading and guided math- these were a little more difficult to type out, but I essentially included the procedures for literacy and math stations. I needed my sub to come in and actually see these in action to fully understand how they look each day.

6. Parent contact- I also highlighted which parents were best reached by email and which were best reached by phone call.

7. Rewards and classroom management- I use a lot of positive reinforcement, and I don't want that to change while I'm gone. I'm so thankful I found a sub that shares my feelings about this!

8. Student computer login cards- multiple copies in case they get lost (which they will; they're first graders).

9. Homework, spelling, and grading procedures- we don't use number grades in first grade, so it can be super confusing to grade first grade work

10. Curriculum and lesson plans- my team will handle the planning while I am gone (they are the best) but it's still nice for my sub to know the scope and sequence for the year so she knows what's coming up for the next unit.

I was also able to have my sub come in and shadow me for a couple of days to see everything in action. It eased my mind to know that my students are familiar with her before I leave. Since we are exactly two weeks from my due date and all my coworkers are betting I'll go into labor early, I feel confident that my kids are in excellent hands.

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