Baby Update: 5 Months

I know I say this all the time, but HOW has Peter grown so quickly?!

Peter turned 5 months old on Friday and my mommy brain cannot handle it! He is so alert and active and curious about everything. He is a moving machine and gone are the days of putting him on the floor to run to the bathroom because he will take off as soon as I walk away.

Peter is very close to crawling. He's learned how to get up on his hands and knees and will rock back and forth. I'm guessing that within the next week he'll figure out how to get those hands moving, and then he will be unstoppable.

Peter is eating SO MUCH! I can't even imagine all the food we'll go through when he is in high school. He definitely loves his veggies more than fruits, which makes us laugh, because hubs and I both have a major sweet tooth. But I won't complain!

We are finally getting full nights of sleep. Every once in a while he will wake up and need a bottle to help calm him down, but those nights are far and few between. We have been using Sam's Club brand diapers and have really liked them, but recently realized that part of why Peter was waking up during the night was because his diaper was getting too full. We switched to Huggies diapers at night and have seen a huge improvement in how often Peter wakes up.

I am finally feeling more and more like a normal human again and have started working out in the evenings and doing more things for myself. It is really amazing how much of a difference it makes in my attitude when I take those 30 minutes for myself in the evenings. 

Baby boy, we can't wait to see what the next month will bring!

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