Baby Update: 7 Months

I feel like Peter experienced the most growth and hit so many milestones this month.

We got the go-ahead from our pediatrician to explore baby-led weaning. If you're not familiar with it, you explore my Pinterest board HERE. We combine baby-safe finger foods with purees and Peter seems to really enjoy getting to explore foods with his hands. Some of the finger foods we have explored are bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and peaches.

Peter is officially crawling with his belly off the floor. He's been doing the army crawl for a couple of months, but now that he got his belly off the floor he's unstoppable!

He has also started pulling up on everything. My new favorite thing is going into his room to get him in the morning because he's always standing, waiting on me with a big smile on his face. Of course, now it takes him forever to go to sleep because he's busy playing in the crib, practicing all his new skills.

He can now say "mama" and "baba" over and over and over again. It's super cute!

We recently went to a nearby splash pad with some mommy friends from work. There were lots of fountains and streams of water for the kids to play in. Peter is such a water baby,  I couldn't get any pictures of him looking up at the camera! We'll definitely be taking Peter back again before summer ends.

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