For six months now we have been blessed with baby Peter. We haven't experienced a dull moment since he joined our family.
At six months Peter has almost mastered sitting up by himself. He's already adventurous and throws himself to the floor from a sitting position to chase after whatever toy catches his eye. Peter is army crawling all over the house and I get a good workout in everyday chasing after him. He's incredibly quick and can get from one side of a room to the other in the blink of an eye.
We recently put an above ground pool in our backyard and it's safe to say that Peter is a big fan. Hubs had the genius idea of putting an umbrella in the middle of the pool and that's made it so much easier to keep baby protected from the intense Texas sun.
Peter's sleep habits haven't been so great lately. I'm not sure if its the dreaded sleep regression or teething, but he's gotten up at least once a night for the past couple of weeks. Thankfully I'm out of school for the summer, so I can handle getting up at night. My fingers are crossed that this phase passes quickly.
I'm trying to get us into a good daily routine, but am struggling to overcome the initial summer laziness that always hits me when school gets out. I'd really like to get in the habit of taking morning walks, and will try my best to get myself out the door in the morning before it gets too hot.
Right now our days look something like this:
Between 6:00-7:00 am wake up and give bottle and baby food.
Play for two hours until Peter gets sleepy.
During his two hour morning nap I wash bottles, pick up the house, shower.
After his first nap he has a morning snack followed by more playtime. Usually he plays more independently during this time either in the pack'n'play, door bouncer, or walker.
Second nap of the day lasts another two hours. I take this time to watch t.v. and eat lunch.
Peter wakes again for another feed. Hubs is usually getting home from work around this time and plays with Peter for a while.
Peter takes one more evening nap. This one only lasts about an hour.
Last feed of the day, a little more play time, then we get ready for bed around 7:30.
I'm finding that now that I'm home I'm not as concerned about keeping Peter on a strict schedule. I obsessed about his schedule while I was working. I guess I wanted to know exactly what he was doing all day and when he was doing it. I also read so many mommy blogs about the importance of schedules. But honestly, neither of us are worse for wear without a strict schedule. Bedtime is the only thing I really try to keep consistent each day.
We are so excited for the upcoming milestones baby will reach next!